Sunday, October 8th

Wow!  Always so fast and furious.  We had the family reunion, the Saturday night hotdogs and the next thing you know you are up on Sunday morning and cooking breakfast for everyone.  Thank you, Scott, Julie, Becky and Beverly as you guys do all the work.  I helped but it wasn’t that much.

Breakfasts were big in the Bankhead family and although we are all Smarrs, there is huge Bankhead influence (ie: Aunt Mary Eliza Smarr’s husband- Charlie Bankhead).  I wish I could say they were related to Tululah Bankhead, but I have no idea. I love my Bankhead family and they have been a bit eccentric so it is possible that there is a relationship there. Not mine, but my cousins- Becky, Beverly and Julie.

Of course Sunday was another fast and furious day. 1st  – breakfast, 2nd touring the country in the convertible with Olivia and Mercedes.   So love this- it is now a ritual and again – why don’t I take pictures.  Here is the convertible:

Lots of fun – but of course I forgot to take pictures.

We went to Maw Maw’s – all the back roads looking to see if the Mitchells house still stood.  Here is Maw Maw’s:

Maw Maw’s Hous